Is it me, or does each passing year seem to be going
faster? The last time I turned around there
were burgers on the grill and the deck was so hot from the summer sun, I sprung with reckless
abandon to the comfort of the shade. Here it is, February- groundhogs,
valentines, family birthdays, anniversaries, and the earth turns again.

Yes, I’ve read/seen WILD,
so I’ll just get that answer out of the way. This journey was not
inspired by a fellow author’s misguided attempt to find herself amidst
promiscuity and substance abuse. WILD
is a good book about self-revelation and I enjoyed the read, but in the book,
the PCT was a vessel to a very lost soul who needed something- anything- to
heal her tattered heart. The vessel
could have been a bike ride across the country, a cruise to Bermuda or a new
career change. She found the clarity she
needed along the trail, but the book wasn’t fundamentally about hiking the PCT. If anything, it was a good reminder of how
not to hike the PCT. It’s inspirational to think that a journey can change
someone’s life in a positive way and I hope that we all look for positive
spiritual replenishment in our endeavors.
This coming fall, my Hiking the Pacific Crest Trail- Washington guide will come out and will contain everything
a section hiker needs to enjoy the entirety of Washington State from the dense deciduous
forests near the Columbia River to the high country passes and ridgelines of
the Pasayten Wildness- no camp or water source has been left unmentioned!
I’ve spent the last two years hiking, data
collecting, photographing, planning, huffing, puffing, writing and writing and
writing for this gorgeous book and I’m deliriously excited about getting my
hands on the fresh-off-the-press, full-color guide and sharing it with you.
I’ve hiked Washington’s PCT so many times, I know every cairn
and cedar by heart, so I’m excited to enjoy California and Oregon’s rugged landscape
and take it all in- the whole untamed mess!
I’m looking forward to sunsets, mountain vistas, the blooming desert, small
towns, trail angels, and stretching the comforts of my slightly introverted
self. It won’t be all butterflies and
bear cubs though. I’m prepared for the rashes, the aches, the weather, the chafing,
the bugs, rattlesnakes and the lurking, scary creeps which…of course…wait for
you with wide google-y eyes in the bushes. Or so, Hollywood would like us to
This journey is simply to check things out, enjoy the physical
and mental taxing and dig deeper into my gumption. In a nutshell, it’s to enjoy life from a
slightly different view point. So wish me and my feet luck as I hunker down into
full planning mode before I hit the well-worn trail.
Updates to follow!
I am so excited for you. I can't wait to hear more about it!